Saturday, June 2, 2007


if it can be broke, then it can be fixed.
if it can be fused, then it can be split.
if it can be lost, then it can be won.
if it can be touched, then it can be turned.

recently i've been thinking how when we were young we're practically encouraged to make mistakes. cos making mistakes mean we'll learn from the pain and we'll grow smarter and stronger. and we will know never to repeat the same act again. or so they say. but does the luxury to make mistakes ever end? will we ever get too old to be making certain mistakes, or to be repeating the same mistakes? hahah ok random thoughts.

watching disasters unfold have always, for lack of a better word, captivated me. although other people's pain and suffering don't particularly appeal to me, theres just something that makes it so hard to tear my eyes away. maybe the fascination lies in the unravelling. i wonder if it applies to strangers as well.

michelle at 6:34 PM



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